Bullying Incident Reporting
“Any intentional, persistent, and repetitive written, verbal, graphic, electronically transmitted, or physical act that a student, or group of students, exhibits toward another student and the behavior both: a) causes mental or physical harm to the other student; AND b) is sufficiently severe that it creates an intimidating, threatening, or abusive educational environment for the victim. The definition of “harassment, intimidation or bullying” also includes the above described acts which are electronically generated, stored, or transmitted.
Traditional public schools and public charter schools in Ohio are required to report verified incidents of bullying two times per year. For the first half of the 2016-17 school year, the Columbus Preparatory and Fitness Academy has had 0 verified incidents of bullying/harassment reports in which disciplinary action was taken. Such disciplinary procedures may range from conferencing with students and families to out-of-school suspensions.
The school also takes false accusations of bullying seriously. The school has a policy against false accusations of bullying to protect persons against unjust accusations, particularly when such false accusations are intended to cause harm to another individual. Those who make reports in good faith, believing information to be truthful, do not have adverse consequences for reporting bullying behavior.